Saturday, May 10, 2008

"Inventing" A Writing Technology

This was a painstaking project...and from reading the other threads in the emu online website I am sure others would agree. And although I didn't like the concept of this project at the beginning, it opened my eyes to how dependent on technology we are.

As I created my writing technology used berries and wrote on cement (the sidewalk outside of my apartment building). It took a few tries, and it sucked. But now that I have done it and have also written (and posted) my essay, I feel that I have discovered new things about the relationship between writing and technology, and how that relationship is weighted toward technology.

I have some pictures that are not posted right now because I went out of town for Mother's Day weekend. The assignment is clearly completed because I have written my essay and been able to describe was I used to complete this project. I will post the pictures when I get back in town early next week.

Steve, I guess I have one piece of advice for you about this project. I really like and appreciate the concept for this project, however I would suggest giving the students more time to complete it. Or introducing the project more in advance than when it is due. Does that make sense? I like, looking back, that you didn't provide us with examples- I know I would have just copied the example you gave.

1 comment:

Steven D. Krause said...

Say, where's the picture?

I appreciate what you are saying about providing more time, and when I teach this course in a 15 week semester, I do give folks more time. But it's a 7.5 week semester, so we don't have a lot of time to work with. In other words, what you are really talking about is a problem we'll be facing all term long.